Fidelium World’s First Cross-Exchange Trading Platform

Fidelium offers the very first cross-exchange trading platform for cryptocurrency. Fidelium’s trading system, named “Fortress,” enables users to trade at multiple exchanges around the world at once, within a single trading platform. It seamlessly connects numerous exchanges and allows users to freely choose which exchange to buy or sell their cryptocurrencies. Furthermore, Fortress will be integrated with the Fidelium mobile app, which features a multi cryptocurrency wallet, and a debit card payment system interface.

About Fidelium
Fidelium’s Fortress Online Trading System (OTS) offers a way to ameliorate price difference by providing access to different exchanges around the world within a single platform. You will be able to check different prices a certain coin is trading at different exchanges, determine which exchange offers the best price, and make appropriate trades at whichever exchanges you want.

Having access to different exchanges around the world has never been so important in the cryptocurrency market. With “Fortress,” you can trade any cryptocurrency at any supported exchange you want, without any hassle, or time delay, enabling you to make the most out of your cryptocurrency trading.

Introduction of Fortress - Online Cross Exchange Trading Platform

Fidelium offers “Fortress,” the very first cross-exchange trading platform for cryptocurrency. Fortress provides users the freedom to access to any exchange around the world at once. Furthermore, Fortress will be integrated with the Fidelium mobile app, which features a multi cryptocurrency wallet, and a debit card payment system interface. We make everything efficient.

Introduction of Fidelium Debit Card Integration

Our mobile app, which will work as both the multi-cryptocurrency and the app interface for the debit cards, is scheduled for April release, with the beta version aimed for March as well.
To facilitate the integration process, we signed a contract with a Major Card provider back in November of 2017. We are currently in the process of finishing up the multi-cryptocurrency-support wallet and will soon start integrating the debit card system into our app.
Once our app is completed and fully integrated with the debit card system, users will be able to spend any supported cryptocurrency, not just FID, to make purchases in everyday lives.

Token FID
Price 1 FID = 0.29 - 0.36 USD
Bonus Available
Bounty Available
Platform Ethereum
Accepting ETH, BTC, LTC, Dash
Country USA
Whitelist/KYC None
Restricted areas USA, Singapore

November 2017 Contract Signed with a Mastercard Provider
October 2017 Start of Fidelium Mobile App Development
December 2017 Start of Fortress Development
January 2018 Fidelium Public Pre-Sale Starts
February 2018 Fidelium Public Pre-Sale Ends / ICO Starts
March 2018 Fidelium Official ICO Ends, Fidelium Token Listed on Exchanges
April 2018 Fidelium Mobile Application Release
May 2018 Fidelium’s “Fortress” ver. 1.0 Release, Cryptocurrency Trading Available for All Users, Support for 5 major exchanges in select regions around the world, such as South Korea, Japan, China, and the United States. Fiat Currency Support in the United States
July 2018 Business Incorporation & Fiat Currency Support in South Korea
November 2018 Business Incorporation & Fiat Currency Support in China & Hong Kong
December 2018 Fortress Pro. Version Release
March 2019 Business Incorporation & Flat Currnecy Support in japan
April 2019 Additional Asian exchanges added to Fortress
August 2019 Business Incorporation & Fiat Currency Support in Europe
September 2020 Additional European exchanges added to Fortress
January 2020 Fidelium Mobile App Ver. 2.0 Release
March 2020 Business Incorporation & Fiat Currency Support in Singapore
December 2020 Fortress System Windows 2.0 Release
September 2021 Additional European exchanges added to Fortress
May 2021 Business Incorporation & Fiat Currency Support in Southeast Asia
June 2021 Business Incorporation & Fiat Currency Support in South America


Bounty Program

We are excited to announce the launch of our Fidelium Bounty Program! 
The Bounty will be accounted and distributed according to each category’s specification. Bounty Application Forms and Tracker Sheets will be used. All status submissions can be tracked via the Tracker Sheet. Only submitted applications submitted via the Fidelium Bounty Application Google Form will be reviewed for the Fidelium Bounty Program.
For more Informations about bounty please click here

For more Informations:

Author: sandysan
ETH: 0x022DfD639385A07a9EE272404854fE6598fEBA4b
