Create the international innovative Company, which technological and information solutions will allow to improve existing business processes of companies and people's daily lives through implementation products of the Industrial Internet of things.
IIoT Telecom (Industrial Internet of Things Telecom) company creates Industrial Internet of Things Platform – decentralized specialized software on the Blockchain, allows to gather information from numerous "smart" IIoT devices. The IIoT Platform consists of two main components. One is the decentralized software on the Blockchain and the other is wireless network LoRaWan, that based on own design equipment. Access to the network infrastructure will be provided from the smartcontracts. Due to the low cost of deployment and attractive conditions for partners, conditions will be created for the rapid entry into the market of the Industrial Internet of things.
Due to tokenization IIoT Telecom plans to deploy LoRaWAN networks in whole world and provide Services of the Industrial Internet of Things in any country of the world, where Internet is and where are no restrictions on circulation the cryptocurrency.
About the team and the history of the project
IIoT Telecom founded in 2015, as the company services the Industrial Internet of things businesses. The team included programmers and developers the hardware, with previous experience in Actual IT, Academa, Iskra, Vodafon, TelecomSlovenije. In 2016 was implemented several IIoT projects for the European oil industry, projects on the organization of smart Parking and data collection from the meters in Slovenia, Italy, Croatia. In 2017, a decision was made to develop a decentralized Blockchain technology based IIoT Platform with the aim of creating opportunities for the provision of services IIoT Platform in the world. The team joined the developers of the Blockchain and crypto-mathematics.
The product and service that we sell now
IIoT Telecom earns on the provision of smart services Industrial Internet of things to large enterprises, municipal services, households, farming enterprise, as well as ordinary people. Worldwide Industrial Internet of things allows businesses to gain a competitive advantage by reducing costs, improving usability and performance.
The services are diverse:
- Remote collection of readings of electricity, gas and water meters;
- Smart Parking with reservation feature via a special application;
- Sensors, which allows to optimize the movement of workpieces on the production;
- Sensors that determine the place of a breakthrough of gas and oil pipelines;
- And numerous other services.

Simple Services
- Our services are simple and benefits are clear to any person/company. To connect them do not need programmers and engineers. Just buy a ready kit and install.
Own Currency I2 Coins
- To pay for the Industrial Internet of things Services our Clients will use our I2 CryptoCoins. They will buy them on the crypto currency exchange. Investors will sell.
Endless Market
- The capacity of the market of the Internet of things at the end of 2025 – 85 billion devices worldwide. So the growth potential is just limitless at the moment.
I2 CryptoCoins Grow with the Company
- Our company receives the payment in I2 Coins. Accordingly, we are most interested in the growth of the cost of our currency. Due to the huge number of the connected IIoT devices, it will be the high turnover and the rising cost of our I2 CryptoCoins.
The Lifelong Payment of Remuneration
- We pay lifetime compensation to any person in I2 Cryptocoins, which led the Client to our IIoT Platform. The remuneration is paid in the amount of 5% of monthly Customer payments and to pay as long as the Customer pays for the service.
Additional Profit
- Want more and you feel the energy? Buy exclusive franchise of our company on the region/city and directly affect to the revenue. The franchise can be resold to third parties subject.

Market, volume, growth
In 2014, the capacity market of the Internet of things will amount 5400 million connected devices, and 472 billion $. According to forecasts, in 2020, connected devices will be about 30 000 million and the market capacity will amount to 890 billion $.
The goal of our Company is getting the profits through the Services of Industrial Internet of things in the global market. Capture no less than 0,0022% of the global market share of the Internet of things. It seems that the figure 0,0022% looks funny. However, when you remember that the Internet of things market are about 25 000 billion $ by 2025, we get our 530 million $ a year.
How is the blockchain used?
IIoT Telecom will use two different blockchains to operate IIoT Platform:
- Blockchain from third-party platforms, allowing you to decentralize any application – products like EOS or SONM;
- Blockchain Ethereum for ERC-20 compatible I2 token distribution.
Data from wireless sensors IIoT through the base station LoRaWAN act in a decentralized Blockchain based platform and save encrypted. Private keys are kept by the customers and subscribers of services signed smart contract. When retrieving data through smart contract, "data" is exchanged for I2 coins.
About I2 coin
In 2018, will be issued 500 million I2 Coins. These coins according to our calculations enough to implement cryptocurrency payments and transactions 50 million subscribers.
TokenName IIoT Telecom
Symbol I2
Based on Ethereum
An additional issue of coins not planned.
On ICO planned to withdraw the order of 440 million I2 coins. The rest remain in the Company IIoT Telecom or will be spent on promotion.
Conditions for buyers tokens on ICO
Pre-ICO will start – on the 19th of February, 2018.
ICO will start – on the 19th of March, 2018.
I2 Coin = 0,1$. During the ICO for any cryptocurrency or Fiat, the price will be recalculated on the current exchange rate to USD. The price of the token on the ICO will depend on the volume of BTC/ETH. All details will be in the personal Cabinet of Investor on the website http://IIoT.tel
Token I2
PreICO Price 1 I2 = 0.05 USD
Price 1 I2 = 0.1 USD
Bonus Available
Bounty Available
Platform Ethereum
Soft cap 5000000 USD
Hard cap 34000000 USD
Country Slovenia
Whitelist/KYC None
Restricted areas USA, China
Why is the reason to buy I2 a token?
Hype in the market of cryptocurrencies is completed in 2017. If you were not able to invest in major cryptocurrency, today come on this market is very risky. If you have assets only in the oldest cryptocurrency, such as BTC or Ethereum, it's time to think about diversifying risk and invest part of the assets in gaining strength ICO.
I2 token will be provided by several cryptocurrencies and Fiat currencies of the countries where will be our services in 2019: in Europe, Brazil, Russia, South Korea, Indonesia and other. IIoT Platform on the Blockchain subscribers in these countries will buy I2 in Fiat money, thus supporting the course. No additional I2 emissions will lead to a permanent gradual growth of demand and rate I2.
What are the bonuses, discounts and restrictions for token buyers?
1 I2 token = 0,1 USD
Pre-ICO 50% discount
ICO Bonuses on the first 30 days (from March, 19 to April,18):
the first ten-day period - bonus 30%
the second ten-day period - bonus 20%
the third ten-day period - bonus 10%
ICO Bonuses on the next 31 days (from April, 19 to May,19):
10% OFF for purchase from $900 to $3,000
20% OFF for purchase from $3,001 to $9,999
30% OFF when buying in the amount of $10,000
How to buy I2 token?
You can buy I2 from your personal account on the website https://iiot.tel/ with transfer cryptocurrency to the addresses of the wallets listed on the site in your Private Cabinet.
You will get your I2 on your Ethereum wallet.
If you pay in Ethereum you just get your I2 on your Ethereum wallet.
When you pay in other cryptocurrencies or fiat you will get your I2 on your Ethereum wallet, which you must specify when you purchase.
If you have no the Ethereum wallet, you need to create it. Instructions how this to do is the link https://myetherwallet.github.io/knowledge-base/faq/how-to-buy-ethereum-with-usd.html
To buy I2 using traditional currency, you first need to exchange them for Ethereum. Instructions how this to do is the link https://myetherwallet.github.io/knowledge-base/faq/how-to-buy-ethereum-with-usd.html or https://www.coinbase.com/buy-ethereum For RUR https://geektimes.ru/post/293109/
After purchasing of Ethereum on your wallet you can buy I2 tokens.
Attention! Ethereum do not transfer directly from the crypto currency exchange or exchanger on our Ethereum address specified on our website. Transfer Ethereum only from your personal Ethereum Wallet. After buying the I2 tokens will be listed in your Ethereum wallet.
Which wallet should I use to receive tokens?
To receive I2 an ERC-20 compliant ETH wallet should be used, please note that ETH wallet should be your personal wallet as exchange wallets can’t be used. Please see the below link for available wallet options: https://tokenmarket.net/what-is/ethereum-token-wallets/
- 2015 The team is formed
- 2016/1 The beginning of the IIoT Platform development.
- 2016/2 Began to design LoRaWAN devices on the Semtech chip. The IIoT Platform structure. Developed the visualization modules and DataBus bus.
- 2017 Developed alpha version of the Platform IIoT. Developed prototypes of the LoRaWAN base stations and LoRaWAN modems. Start designing prototypes.
- 2018 ICO! Produce some prototypes LoRaWAN base stations on the Semtech chip. Revision alpha version IIoT Platform
- 2019 Testing the prototypes of LoRaWAN base stations. Testing of prototypes in conjunction with the IIoT Platform. Develop the beta version of the IIoT Platform.
- 2020/1 Public release of the Platform IIoT. Completion by results of testing base stations LoRaWAN.
- 2020/2 The launch of the pilot areas of the project. Bug fixes, revision of systems. Development of prototypes of sensors for agriculture, etc.
- 2021/1 Launch of the franchise Launch the industrial production of LoRaWAN devices.
- 2021/2 Testing prototypes sensors for smart Parking, smart lighting, and sensors for agriculture. Active promotion the company in the global market.
- 2022 Develop the company and achieving the goals.

For more Informations:
Author: sandysan
ETH: 0x022DfD639385A07a9EE272404854fE6598fEBA4b
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