Minerva Smart Money on the Etheruem blockchain

Minerva is the world's first reverse merchant processor. We pay transaction fees to approved businesses integrated within the Minerva economy, we don't charge them. Minerva is a platform designed to incentivize the adoption of its OWL token with a new and disruptive economic model.
About Minerva
Minerva is a platform built on the Ethereum blockchain, and its primary token is Minerva OWL. It is an ERC20 token and cryptocurrency. The aim of Minerva is to address mainstream cryptocurrency adoption issues and provide partnered businesses with incentivized payment solutions.
Minerva will be used on carefully selected platforms which are subjected to rigorous auditing and transparency agreements. It is unlikely we will consider parterning with any platform with a < 15,000 Alexa ranking.
The core differences between Minerva and Bitcoin is that Minerva is designed to reward platforms that accept its OWL token with reverse transaction fees, as well as address the challenges of mainstream cryptocurrency adoption. Minerva is a platform and the OWL token is its currency. In addition to being a cryptocurrency, we are the world's first reverse merchant processor.
Minerva is brought to you by Minerva Technologies S.a.r.l., a Luxembourg based blockchain technology company comprised of team members and advisors from around the world.
Private pre-sale structure
Price per Owl: $0.60
- $0 - 1MM: 40% discount ($1,666,667 in token value) = 2,777,778 OWL
- $1MM - 5MM: 30% discount ($5,714,286 in token value) = 9,523,810 OWL
- $5MM - 10MM: 20% discount ($6,250,000 in token value) = 10,416,667 OWL
Total Tokens Distributed: 22,718,254
Token Value Number: $1,000,000 / $0.60 = $1,666,666 (Original price without discounts)
OWL Number: $1,000,000 * $0.36 = 2,777,778 OWL (Total OWL with discount applied)
After Presale Hard Cap, Estimated Tokens Left: 37,281,746
ICO structure
Price per Owl: $0.75
Discounts in regard to ETH contributed:
- 0-20,000 15% Discount
- 20,000-40,000: 12.5% Discount
- 40,000-50,000: 10% Discount
- 50,000-60,000: 7.5% Discount
- 60,000-65,000: 5% Discount
- 65,000-70,000: 3% Discount
- 70,000-72,500: 2% Discount
- 72,500-Hard Cap: 1% Discount
ICO ETH Hard Cap: Every contribution will be based on $0.75 per Owl, before discount. The crowdfunding portal will be self adjusting to the current price of ETH (Ethereum) at the time of contribution. We will adjust the hard cap of the ICO, prior to the official launch, based on the amount raised in presale. If, $5MM raised presale, our ICO’s hard cap will be set to $30MM worth of ETH. (i.e. 85,715 ETH @ $350 ETH estimated market price).
Example of OWL to ETH Ratio: 1 ETH @ $350 = 466 OWL
To ensure the hard cap can be reached without running out of tokens, we will be creating tokens as ETH (Ethereum) is sent to the crowdsale smart contract. Using a set price of $0.75 per Owl and factoring in the amount raised during pre sale, we can allow ourselves to reach hard cap without having to limit ourselves to our projected 60,000,000 Owl estimate. The primary issue with a discount model (and fluctuating price of ETH) is trying to cap the amount of tokens that can be distributed prior to launching the smart contracts.
This method will let us reach our hard cap and make sure we can make good on our discounts.
Side Note: If presale hard cap is not reached, the main adjustable number for our public ICO is the amount of ETH we accept in the 1% discount range. This will allow our discounts rates to be consistent and still reach our hard cap.
The first business to integrate into the Minerva economy is a live-streaming service with $20MM in revenue and over 10 million users. We will show a clean and concise before-and-after revenue impact of integrating with Minerva. At this time, Minerva has been advised to temporarily withhold the name of our first partnered business. We aim to integrate across a wide spectrum of large niche and mainstream businesses spanning several industries by recruiting platforms into the Minerva Smart Money Alliance (MSMA).

Minerva will allow content creators to receive payments and exchange funds indiscriminately while enabling the business to provide more value to both customers and content creators alike.

Token OWL
Price 1 OWL = 0.75 USD
Bonus Available
Bounty Available
Platform Ethereum
Accepting ETH
Soft cap 1,000,000 USD
Hard cap 10,000,000 USD
Country Isle of Man
Early adopter participation takes place through a crowdsale dashboard accessible via Minerva.com. 75,000,000 of 100,000,000 total initial Minerva OWL tokens will be distributed in two crowdsales. A pre-sale is followed by a primary Minerva crowdsale, and each are accessible to parties outside of the United States.
The crowdsales will be held in an auction format in that all distributed Minerva will be priced by the amount of contributions received, and then distributed accordingly. 25,000,000 Minerva will be excluded from the crowdsales which is described below in the “Reserve Minerva” section. After the initial 100,000,000 OWL tokens are created, new token creation, apart from bonuses associated with platform utility, will be halted permanently. Within 1 year (365 days) of the crowdsale, an announcement will be made regarding any potential 1:1 token exchanges relating to any proposed private blockchain migration.
We will be holding a token pre-sale and it is likely to be privately held.
After the token pre-sale, the primary and final crowdsale will take place
At the end of the crowdsales the founding team will receive a 10% allocation of OWL tokens, subject to a twelve-month (12-month) holding period. These tokens will serve as a long-term performance incentive for the founding team. An additional 10% will be allocated for long-term operating costs, 2.5% will be allocated for partnerships and another 2.5% for the bug bounty program. All Minerva OWL token transfers will be restricted for two (2) months after the crowdsale ends.
- Advanced Internal Security Audit
- Bug Bounty Program (Tier 1)
- Advanced Simulations and Modifications
- MVP (Minerva Volatility Protocol) Beta
- Minerva Smart Money Alliance (Tier-1)
- Team Expansion (Tier-1)
- Bug Bounty Program (Tier-2)
- Cross Platform Minerva Wallet
- Voting Dashboard
- MVP Dashboard and Management
- Platform Integration Automation
- New Platform Developer Documentation
- Improved Revenue Reporting Interface
- Minerva Smart Money Alliance (Tier-2)
- Team Expansion (Tier-2)
- Advanced Platform Automation
- Advanced Revenue Reporting Interface
- Resource Tracking
- Continuous Audit Implementation
- Cross Platform Minerva, Ethereum &
- General Purpose ERC20 Wallet
- Minerva Smart Money Alliance (Tier-3)
- Team Expansion (Tier-4)
- Private Blockchain Research
- Debit Card Partnership(s) Research
- Market Research Stability Advancements
- Minerva Smart Money Alliance (Final Tier)
- Team Expansion (Tier-5)
- Private Blockchain Research
- Team Expansion (Final Tier)
- Private Blockchain Test Network
- Bug Bounty Program (Final Tier)
- Kevin McSheehan Founder / CEO; Executive Producer LinkedIn Twitter
- Corey Jackson Founder / CTO; Lead Developer LinkedIn
- Kol Shtufaj Creative Director; Brand & UX/UI LinkedIn
- Robert Forster Lead Solidity Developer
- Greg Bailey IT veteran LinkedIn
- Keidi Carrington Legal Advisor LinkedIn
- Jevgenijs Steinbuks Economic Advisor LinkedIn
- Paul Petratos Head of Communications LinkedIn
- Courtney Turner HR & Public Relations; Social Media Strategist LinkedIn Twitter
- Michael Brooks STRATEGIC ADVISOR LinkedIn
- Steven Ormond-Smith STRATEGIC ADVISOR LinkedIn
- Bryce Case Jr. STRATEGIC ADVISOR LinkedIn
For more information:
Author: sandysan
Profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1071983
ETH: 0x022DfD639385A07a9EE272404854fE6598fEBA4b
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