Synthestech Technology For Synthesis Of Precious Metals

Synthestech is a scientific research center engaged in technology development for synthesis of precious metals and valuable isotopes.
About Synthestech
Nowadays, there is a huge demand for a number of valuable chemical elements like palladium, ruthenium, rhodium, osmium, iridium, platinum and some others. The demand for isotopes (varieties) of chemical elements has also arisen over the past decades.
Valuable elements and isotopes have characteristics that are in demand in many modern industries (microelectronics, transport, energy storage) and also have special properties in treatment of diseases.
However, there are some significant factors limiting the supply of valuable elements and isotopes, since they are not widely spread in nature. The traditional way of obtaining valuable elements, which is extraction of such elements from natural deposits, is no longer able to keep up with the growing demand.
Modern nuclear technologies are the so-called high-energy nuclear reactions that can create valuable elements and isotopes by means of nuclear transformations, but they are incredibly expensive and lead to environmental disasters and the results are unstable. Therefore, the only industry where the splitting of atom is used today is power engineering.
At the same time, since ancient times mankind is working on another method of obtaining valuable elements and isotopes - Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR). It is a transformation (transmutation) of certain chemical elements into others in their natural environment, without using enormous amounts of energy for the atom splitting.
The last period of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st witnessed a huge breakthrough in such technologies. First, practical proofs of LENR reactions in power engineering were collected, then a homemade low-energy nuclear reactor that generates electricity was built, facts of nuclear reactions taking place in nature, were systematized and studied, and results of biological nuclear reactions using bacteria were obtained.
Today the time has come to take the next step - to master the technology for turning cheap elements into valuable elements and isotopes by means of low- energy nuclear reactions.
The technology of Cold Transmutation allows to transform certain chemical elements into others, more valuable and rare ones, without the use of enormous energy impacts. For example, transformation of tungsten - into platinum.
Phenomenon of Cold Transmutation was discovered in recent decades. Our team develops this technology; we have conducted hundreds of experiments and achieved phenomenal results. Among those results is obtaining of platinum group metals.

Project Details
What we need to continue our research
The laboratory complex should include an analytical laboratory with the most modern equipment;
a laboratory for purification and separation of substances;
a platform with processing complexes for production of Cold Transmutation reactors.
In this laboratory a sufficient number of experiments and tests will be carried out. It is planned to conduct 10,000 tests to elaborate the industrial technology. Several dozen pilot models of Cold Transmutation reactors will be created.
To transform the developed know-how into industrial technology we need a modern laboratory complex.
After the end of the research phase, we will move on to active commercialization phase of the project and gain access to the international market.
How the project will be funded
We invite partners and investors to join the Synthestech project and participate in our Token Generation Event (hereinafter - TGE). Synthestech will issue tokens on the Ethereum platform. These tokens will be sold to investors for Bitcoin and Ether. The raised funds will be used for construction of a laboratory complex and development of a technology on an industrial scale.
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Token Sale Details
Synthestech is running a crowdfunding campaign for development of technology for cold synthesis of rare isotopes and valuable chemical elements.
Token STT
Price 1 STT = 1 USD
Bonus Available
Platform Ethereum
Accepting ETH, BTC, Fiat
Soft cap 1,000,000 USD
Hard cap 14,000,000 USD
Country Switzerland
Whitelist/KYC Whitelist
- February 2018 Start ICO
- April - June 2018 Construction Kick-start, Construction of a separately located laboratory building with area of 1000 m2
- June 2018 - June 2019 Mastering the technology of Cold Transmutation for commercial use.
- June - December 2019 Implementation of the commercial phase. Commercialisation of the achieved results.
- January 2020 Receiving dividends from investments. Profit distribution using crypto currency or fiat money.
For more Informations:
Author: sandysan
ETH: 0x022DfD639385A07a9EE272404854fE6598fEBA4b
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