Bazista For lady and mister!

Bazista is the first B2C and C2C trading platform empowering nowdays E-Commerce industry with digital assets. Bazista aiming to create an infrastructure for Bitcoin and blockchain driven community as commodity exchange was always a mainstream driver of growing economy instead of spiculative and hype investment as Bitcoin was initially created as a method of payment. Cryptocurrencies accepted on Bazista will bring high transparency of transactions and reduce financial and time costs. Intelligent users rating will help to find reliable deals and partners around the globe. Platform features will make sure that deal commitments are fulfilled and all deliveries are tracked properly but at the same time Bazista will ensure that restricted goods and services will not appear on the market.
About Bazista
Buyers – convert your digital assets into real goods and services. A friendly interface will simplify your shopping experience.
Sellers – receive a wide range of technical and marketing tools for the rapid sale of their goods and in the case of token depositing get rid of the need to pay commissions when selling.
Endorcement - is rewarded for aiding sales of products to other users of the platform.
- Fees up to 0% quality Save up to 13% of commission costs against that of key players in the C2C and B2C market
- Partnership Sell products of other users and earn coins together!
- Digital assets Payment for goods and services will be accepted in more than 5 digital assets
- Reliability Transaction support at each stage

The Bazista is a new name in the world of online marketplace. It offers the facility to the ecommerce companies to deal in exchange of goods and services in different types of digital assets. This marketplace provides an infrastructure for the Bitcoin community. It is the platform which enables the customers to enable the blockchain technology which is trending now. Bazista marketplace provides a robust platform with customer protection system to provide a safer platform for the purchase and sale of the goods. Bazista tokens are available for ecommerce trading at the official website. Sign up to get the tokens.
Development of Bazista platform's concept
There is a team of professionals behind this platform. Vakhtang Abuladze is the CEO of this project. He and his team has worked upon this project at a faster pace and earned a huge popularity in the world of ecommerce activities with cryptocurrency. This platform was started in order to bring the transparency of transactions and lessen the time required by the traders to settle the purchase and sale process. Bazista has made the cryptocurrency transactions more secure and reliable.
Benefit of Bazista
Bazista is the marketplace which provides benefits to buyers and sellers. Buyers are able to get their digital assets converted into the realizable goods and services. This provides a great experience of shopping to the buyers by offering the user friendly interface. They can make payments within few clicks without any kind of hidden charges or taxes. In addition to these, this marketplace has lots of things to offer to the sellers. They enjoy the benefit of low transaction fees with instant payment option. They also get the opportunity to use few more marketing tools that are helpful in increasing their sales.
Attractive features of Bazista marketplace
Some of the most recognized features of Bazista marketplace include:
- Promotional advertising Advertising is an important tool for the ecommerce industries in order to improve their visibility and increases their sales. You can earn with Bazista by using the promotional ads. You have to place the link to the products. If the customer buys your product by using the affiliate links, the remuneration is added.
- Commissions are not hidden Customers who use crypto currencies for making transactions don’t have to pay anything extra for the conversion of the fiat currency into the C2C platforms. It allows for more saving percentage on the average cost of the goods and services.
- Low fees This marketplace is offering the lowest transaction fee to make the transactions cost efficient. Since, there is a low commission so the products available on sale on this platform are also cheaper. This helps in attracting a large number of customers.
- Payments can be made in different digital assets It is thus easier for the buyers to make payments in different types of digital assets or crypto currencies. The buyers who like to use the cryptocurrency for ecommerce find this marketplace as the suitable way for the buying process.
- Earn by promoting other’s product This feature of Bazista is remarkable and profitable for the sellers. If you are promoting the products of other sellers then also you will be getting commission for every sale. Distribute the announcements on various social media websites and on other digital platforms to get the Bazista tokens. The earned tokens can be exchanged for any goods or services and thus capitalize the subscription base of your social media. Thus, it helps the business owners to improve the visibility of their business and get more organic traffic on their site.
- Pre Initial coin offering (Pre ICO) Bazista is offering about 45% bonuses which are reserved for pre-ICO. All those tokens which could not be sold during the Pre ICO will get added to some larger amount. Thus, it will be sold later on during the crowd sale process. Apart from this, the unsold token will also be used in the marketing campaigns to position the business in the online marketplace with high effectiveness. All the raised money will be returned to the investors if ICO does not reach the minimum level.
- Conclusion There is a high bonus percentage during ICO. If you are interested in Pre ICO, you have to check out the latest dates for ICOs by Bazista. It is the simplest and the profitable way to become a new entrant into the ecommerce industry.
Token BZS
Price 1 ETH = 11,000 BZS
Platform Ethereum
Accepting ETH
Soft cap 1,300,000 USD
Hard cap 9,550,000 USD
Country Russia
1Q 2017 Project team creation and development of Bazista platform's concept.
2Q 2017 Attraction of initial investments from private investors in order to begin the development of Bazista platform prototype.
3Q 2017 Start of the preparation for Pre-ICO.
4Q 2017
- Launch of Pre-ICO
- Roll out of the first Bazista platform prototype
- Launch of ICO
2Q 2018 Closed Beta test of Bazista platform.
4Q 2018 Beta launch of Bazista platform.
For more Informations:
Author: sandysan
ETH: 0x022DfD639385A07a9EE272404854fE6598fEBA4b
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