Lucyd - Decentralized AR Smartglasses
We're building next-gen smartglasses
on a decentralized AR ecosytem.

The token of the LCD can be used to buy hardware Lucid and original content when available. The LCD will also function in hardware sales Lucyd. For example, the first 500 units would Lens Lucyd ordered for purchase via the LCD only, so that the LCD gives you the chance to be the first to wear it. Although the actual production cost will vary, the lenses this beta will cost 5,000 LCD, and is available to participants of the event token Lens. Assuming the event and a successful token products, the holder will be able to sell LCD LCD on Exchange tokens for other currencies, and transfer them to AR.
Lens Lucyd will become the first ergonomic SmartGlas are easy to use. We design interactive AR display using your Smartphone for processing power and data. With the lens, you can see from your phone and see all your favorite applications in large and AR interfaces seamlessly. With a field of view of 120 degrees are enhanced, over 3 x larger than all available SmartGlass, and body that looks like a normal specifications, Lucyd have the technology to reach the mainstream ar. we launched LCD for token get funding for prototype and create application Lab Blocker Lucyd to control the creation of original content.
Developer team create smart goggles Lucyd Lens — the first patented technology patented. This project will be built using the technology block technology, which makes it automatically become the advanced project. Glass Lucyd Lens will have a display of the AR, and also comes with LCD technology smart token. The glasses will support display of 120 °.
Lucyd is a new augmented real estate company dedicated to producing first class ergonomic and functional glasses in the world. In their main form, Lucyd smartglasses are planned as peripheral devices that allow users to interact with their smartphones more comfortably and effectively. Lucyd smartglasses will be powered by a basic operating system that optimizes existing smartphone applications for use on the AR interface.
Lucyd is built on both the AR 13 patent portfolio, and AR experts and leading optical teams. Lucyd launched the cryptographic publication of LCD LCD signatures in Q4 2017. The goal is to create the first AR-based crypto protection to secure the funds needed to build our first pre-production prototype. The LCD sign allows one to help develop and experience an AR revolution. Here you can learn more about the LCD Token Sale and the structure that makes Lucyd potentially an exciting new player in AR.
According to Greenlight Insights, the world AR market is expected to reach $ 36.4 billion by 2023, Lucyd is an opportunity to engage in this rapidly growing sector.
Augmented reality (AR) is a direct view of the real-world environment lined with computer-generated interfaces. Hungry thoughts of visual information. "More than 50% of the cortex, the brain surface, is devoted to processing visual information," according to Professor David Williams at the University of Rochester. For that required a kind of smart lens to meet those needs.
The challenge is now solved with Lucyd ready to meet this need, and usher in a new era of visual exploration with Lucyd Lens. We believe the knowledgeable team, revolutionary technology, and innovative blockchain behind Lucyd all contribute to its potential success. By producing next-gen smartglasses that fix many of the problems that disrupt current products, and block-based software ecosystems to support them. Lucyd Lens smartglasses will develop your visibility, by combining valuable data with your eyesight seamlessly.
Flagn, the unibody design provides a customizable and customizable look. The existing AR devices are notorious for attracting unwanted attention.
All the circuits are contained inside the rod, so it looks and feels like normal glasses.
- Can be equipped with a prescription lens.
- Microdisplays LCDs are integrated with stereotyped lenses with long battery life and ergonomic feel.
- Bluetooth connection to iPhone / Android has your favorite app on AR.
- Built-in microphone and bone speaker for easy call and voice control.
- Can be connected to Bluetooth peripherals such as speakers and keyboards.
- The front camera is integrated to take photos / videos.
- Hands-free handsfree with special control between eye tracking options, voice control, and finger tracking options.
- High resolution, with a superb 120 ° arcade for AR graphics.

1) When the hand is released, the power supply is turned on and on.
2) Front camera - Camera that detects photos, videos and object blocking.
3) Headphones - Pillars with bone conduction technology.
4) Microphone: You can make a call or voice control.
5) Eye tracking: Track eye movement and optimize vision.
6) Lcd-LCD (HD quality).
7) Charge the charger wirelessly through the charging pad.
8) Lenses with correction lenses.
9) Soft shapes with no buttons, switches and cables.

Crowdfunding LCD Requirements are tokens issued from Ethereal block blocks. This design follows a widely adopted token implementation standard. This allows the token holder to easily store and manage the LCD token using an existing solution that includes Etereum Wallet. The LCD projects crowdfunding and manufacturing LCD token will be done using the smartest contract from Ethereum. Participants who wish to support the development of the LCD project will send Ether to a specific Etherealum token sale address and generate an LCD sign with this transaction at the specified LCD / ETH exchange rate. Participants who participate in the token sale can send Ether to the Ethereal LCD address as soon as the crowdfunding period begins. Crowdfunding is complete when the specified final block is created or the cap of funds is reached.
LCD Token sales will be made through genuine LCD applications using the smartest Ethereal deal. At the end of the crowdfunding period, there is no evidence to be released. Once the token has been sold, the manufacturer of the LCD token will be permanently terminated. During one month after crowdfunding finished, switching of the LCD token was restricted for security reasons. All unknown tokens are stored in the backup for business development and complete the Lucyd Lab engine block.
Total Token LCD screen: 100,000,000
token: 50.000.000 Token Name: LCD
Fundraising Purpose:
Pre-Sales Token 10 Million Dollars Start: 17,2017 8:00 Greenwich
Token Pre Sale Discount Time: Discount Discount 40% Discounted Price
: $ 15 USD
Pre-Sale Date: October 31, 08.00 p. Greenwich Time
LCD is on sale: 25,000,000
Token Available: October 31, 8:00 am GMT Time
Sales: $ 0.25 USD
End of Sale: November 30 GMT Time 08:00 pm.

CLIFFORD GROSS, PH. D., Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
KONRAD DABROWSKI, one of the founders of BPA
JANICK ROLLAND, PROFESSOR PH. D. Scientific advisor, specialist
YIORGOS KOSTOULAS, PROF. PH. D. Scientific advisor, specialist
MIKHAIL GUTIN, PH. D. Scientific advisor, specialist
Air donna MS Science Advisor, OPTICS EXPERT
HAO LI, PROFESSOR PH. D. Science and Technology Advisor, AR
MARIBETH GANDY COLEMAN, PH. D Science and Technology Advisor, AR
JU Kunio Okuda - Investors and advisers block Japan and Asia

For more Informations:
Author: sandysan
ETH: 0x022DfD639385A07a9EE272404854fE6598fEBA4b
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