Node - Intelligent technology for wireless energy

In the consumer sector, this technology is actively used to charge smartphones, tablets, wearable devices and other electronics. Node aims to develop a wide range of applications in consumer electronics, automotive, medical and many other industries. Our partners get an opportunity not only to increase their contributions but also to become the first owners of such unique devices. Our innovative developments, research activities in the field of storage and transmission of electricity, allow us to offer solutions that are characterized by high quality and efficiency of use. We are on the final stage of testing of prototype devices.
About Node
There is two fundamentally different schemes are being explored and improved upon by our scientists:
- In an induction coil or an electric transformer, which have a metal or air core, the energy is transferred by a simple electromagnetic connection called magnetic induction. Using this method, the transmission and reception of energy became feasible at a considerable distance, but to obtain a significant voltage in this way it was necessary to arrange two coils very close to each other.
- A magnetic/capacitive resonant coupling is used, where both inductors are tuned to a mutual frequency so that a considerable amount of energy can be transmitted over a considerable distance.
The essence of the promising technology from Node is the imposition of several electromagnetic waves in the form of impulses of different duration and frequency to each other, after which these waves pass through a special ferroelectric material and an electromagnetic lens from the structured metamaterial.
Based on several discoveries in the field of high frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields made in the 70s-80s, it is proposed that it be possible to transfer energy through the atomic magnetic moment of matter, which is the starting point for Node research. .Node was created with the aim of developing and implementing the commercial use of new wireless energy transmission technology, developed and tested several years ago by a team of physicists from Russia.
Prior to this, from October 2012 to May 2016, a number of studies were conducted in the fields of semiconductor materials, ceramic materials and their interactions with high frequency electromagnetic impulse fields by team members. Gradually, experimental evidence of the phenomenon of energy transmission through the atomic magnetic moment of the material is obtained, and the condition is defined where such a transmission takes place. At the same time, the decision to commercialize this technology was made.
From May 2016 through March 2017, the project team created technological solutions for commercial use, development schemes, and choice components. A month later, a successful final test of several prototype devices from 1W to 150W has been performed. In the period May to July 2017, a design concept was developed, materials and technology selected for the production line of consumer products. In May 2017, the company's official registration is performed, the settlement account is opened, the domain name and hosting are purchased, and fund-raising is actively initiated. TECHNOLOGY Generally, two fundamentally different schemes are being explored and improved by scientists:
In an induction coil or electrical transformer, which has a metal or air core, energy is transferred by a simple electromagnetic connection called magnetic induction. Using this method, the transmission and reception of energy becomes feasible at a considerable distance, but to obtain a significant voltage in this way requires two coils that are very close to each other.
A magnetic / capacitive resonance clutch is used, where both inductors are tuned to a common frequency, so large amounts of energy can be sent in a considerable distance.
Node is a high-tech revolutionary start-up technology, which interferes with the niche market of wireless transmission devices for personal and commercial use. Our innovative developments, research activities in the field of electrical storage and transmission, enable us to offer solutions that are characterized by high quality and efficiency of usage.
Nodes are based on the development of systems and devices for wireless transmission and storage of electrical energy, wireless control and measurement systems.
The core of promising Node technology is the imposition of multiple electromagnetic waves in the form of impulses with different durations and frequencies, having passed through special ferroelectric materials and electromagnetic lenses from structured metamaterials.
Technological solutions, engineering and product node products reflect the company's ideology - so as not to be wireless.
Nodes may be a sophisticated revolutionary start, which disrupts the wireless device market's niche market for any non-public and industrial use. Our innovative developments, analytical activities in the field of electrical storage and transmission, enable the U.S. to supply solutions that are given area units of the highest quality and efficiency of use.
Node Product

Flexible pad for wireless charging of electronic devices. space outsized surface charging allows you to charge many devices, putting them in terms of terms or maybe each other.
- Target price ~ $ 9
- Surface area 300x200mm
- Transmitted power up to 10W
- 5V USB power supply

Wireless charging station for desktop placement. Eon provides many charging devices at once and comes with automatic power management.
- Target price ~ $ 159
- Transmitted power - up to 150W
- Power supply-220V
- Dimensions - 100x70mm
The NODE token gives you a unique opportunity to invest in a revolutionary technological product - wireless transmission devices for both private and commercial use. The current round of the funds raising is aimed at financing the Node devices production, marketing and sales.
The current stage of development is the best time to invest:
- R&D phase, prototype production and testing are successfully completed
- All Tests of prototypes demonstrate full compliance with the declared characteristics
- Maximum potential for the increase in investment
- Smoothed risks related to the product's performance
- Opportunity that is usually only available to business angels and venture capitalists.
Token NODE
PreICO Price 1 NODE = 1 USD
Price 1 NODE = 1 USD
Bonus Available
Bounty Available
Platform Ethereum
Accepting ETH, BTC
Minimum investment 10 USD
Soft cap 1,000,000 USD
Hard cap 10,000,000 USD
Country Latvia
10.2012 - 05.2016 The project initiator and like-minded peopleconducted a research in the field of semiconductor and ceramic materials and their interaction with electromagnetic high-frequency impulsive fields
06.2016 Based on the obtained results, a decision was made to commercialize the technology
06.2016 - 03.2017 Development of schemes and technological solutions, selection of components
04.2017 Successful final testing of several prototype devices
05.2017 - 06.2017 The design concept was developed, materials and technologies for a sample batch manufacturing were selected
05.2017 Registration of Node as a legal entity
06.2017 - 09.2017 Negotiations on financing and preparation for the ITO
10.2017 - 11.2017 Creation of a corporate website and marketing materials
12.2017 - 01.2018 Pre-ITO period
12.2017 - 03.2018 Patent registration, certification of products, start of a commercial lot production
01.2018 - 03.2018 ITO period
04.2018 NODE token introduction to the trading exchanged
03.2018 - 06.2018 Launching the production of Alpha
07.2018 - 05.2019 Launching the production of Wireless Power Station

For more Informations:
Author: sandysan
ETH: 0x022DfD639385A07a9EE272404854fE6598fEBA4b
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