Analysis of Arcona (new ICO)

Arcona pushes the true potential of AR by building a layer of Digital Land atop existing real locations, and then allows users to develop monetizable AR content on any patch of Digital Land they buy.
Arcona SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis sheds light on the potential of a project.
Arcona's strength is that it stands atop the achievements of Piligrim XXI, a company that has been researching AR for several years. This sets Arcona apart from the major portion of start-ups, particularly in the blockchain sphere, as it is backed by the work done by an existing company.This has various important implications, including the fact that Arcona won't be building up from scratch and that its CEO has a proven track of success in the AR field.
Arcona is making a largely consumer-side product and the vast portion of the world is still behind on adopting cryptocurrencies. Arcona would have to present its tokens as an entry key to make sure its tokens aim to serve a utility, to the mass market perspective, first and a crypto for trading second.
Additionally, offer an internal extension for easily purchasing the tokens would make the process a lot more user friendly. This would also make the process of accessing Arcona's ecosystem more relatable.
Augmented reality has had a smooth mass market adoption thanks to apps offering filters. This means Arcona does not need to penetrate the market by first introducing a new technology. Instead, they can show the world the massive true potential of this technology.
Blockchain and AR are both new technological frontiers and Arcona is paving the way to put a combined utility to both in an intuitive approach.
Arcona intends to offer a wide array of benefits while utilizing various technologies. Arcona is bringing to market a product powered by blockchain, artificial intelligence, and augmented reality.
Leveraging so many cutting edge technologies gives Arcona many value additives that have never been produced before in a single product. However, the negative aspect of this is that the company might be spreading its resources too thin. All these technologies require dedicated R&D to provide Arcona with the differentiated benefits it seeks. Garnering development teams and resources to fulfill multi-edged goals can be challenging.
However, given that Arcona is stemming from years of work done by Piligrim XXI, it has the advantage of having a great portion of the R&D already being completed.

Arcona VRIO Analysis
VRIO analysis gives a crisp and tight snapshot of the odds of success of a project.
I’ll be analyzing whether Arcona genuinely adds value and whether its value-addition is sustainable.
Arcona's has several major value additives. For one, it is literally creating more land; even if that land is digital, it provides a new channel for doing things that would have previously required real land that may be too expensive or unattainable.
Arcona is adding new value to the economic output of any nation by providing individuals a new, open means of creating revenue-driving content. This offers the opportunity for the world economies to benefit from individualized talents at a new capacity.
There's a hurricane of technology companies providing products based on AI, AR, or blockchain. Arcona is the first one to combine all of these in a single product that is available for mass market utility and enterprise solutions.
With Arcona, a single ecosystem utilizes various cutting edge technologies to benefit individuals, aggregate societies, and businesses.
Arcona stands at a competitive edge that thwarts any copy-cat: time is on its side. Arcona is already years ahead into its product development due to the work done by Piligrim XXI.
Arcona is a product that requires heavy development in many technologies; this alone makes this a fruit too hard to reach. Add to that the heavy head start this company has, and the product faces virtually no threat from imitators.
Arcona is led by a CEO, Ilya, Korguzalov, who has led Piligrim XXI to offer cutting edge developments by utilizing AR. This shows that Arcona is in the hands of proper leadership.
The team possess the technical skills to make their goals a reality.
Arcona Essential Links
💡 Whitepaper:
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⌚️ Token Sale: April 15
Author: sandysan
Profil link :;u=1071983
ETH: 0x022DfD639385A07a9EE272404854fE6598fEBA4b
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